The difference between brilliant and average

The difference between brilliant and average

Picking up from where we left off in my last post “How to Use Your Intuition in Business,” consider this “part two” and the key to unlocking your intuitive superpowers in business or in life—taking INSPIRED ACTION. Knowing how to access to your intuition and highest...
How to Use Your Intuition in Business

How to Use Your Intuition in Business

This week I’ve been experiencing a lot of synchronicity… meaningful “coincidences,” fortuitous meetings, messages, and opportunities showing up unexpectedly. Put simply, I’ve been following my intuition. And now I’m preparing (not coincidentally) a keynote called “The...
What’s Your Word-of-the-Year?

What’s Your Word-of-the-Year?

Happy almost New Year! As we wrap up another year many people are reflecting on the mood, events, and achievements (or lack thereof) of 2017 and setting goals and resolutions for a brand new year. Well, when it comes to creating big dreams and goals I like to keep...
Five simple steps to stop waiting and start creating

Five simple steps to stop waiting and start creating

In some ways pursuing something you love is like developing an intimate relationship; success requires vulnerability, commitment, and an ability to be in a space of “not knowing” where it’s going to take you. That said, it can also be the most fun you’ve ever had. As...