Picking up from where we left off in my last post “How to Use Your Intuition in Business,” consider this “part two” and the key to unlocking your intuitive superpowers in business or in life—taking INSPIRED ACTION.

Knowing how to access to your intuition and highest wisdom is one thing; acting on it is another thing.

“Intuition is what sets apart the brilliant from the average,” says Lewis Howes, entrepreneur and founder of The School of Greatness.

True, however, I’d say ACTING on intuition is what really separates the good from the great.

Your dreams don’t work unless you do.

The Universe responds to action, not wishful thinking. Until you commit and take action, even one small step toward your goal or vision, nothing changes.

Yet, when you do listen to that higher guidance, decide and act, providence moves in. The Universe (God, Source, whatever you prefer to call it) starts getting to work on your heart’s “to-do” list.

Your imagination, higher self, and the source energy beyond your waking conscious start offering clues to the next action, or few steps, or to take.

I love how the great author and mythologist Joseph Campbell puts it: “You have only to take that one step toward the gods, and they will then take ten steps toward you.”

Beautiful. However, that heroic first step, as Campbell says, is often out of your boundaries, or way over the edge of what you would usually do, and that’s why it’s critical in letting the rest of the journey unfold.

In short, even when your intuition shows you a better, simpler way, acting on that first impulse often requires courage, trust, and a little bit of Richard-Branson-attitude, “screw It, let’s do it.”

I know, I can hear you saying, “Yeah but… I’m not Richard Branson, and it’s not that easy.”

Well, Grasshopper, it can be that easy… if you are willing to begin taking action, and practice tuning into your intuitive knowing and guidance.

Here’s a few words from one of my clients, someone just like you and me, who has manifested amazing results when she heard and acted on her intuition.

“Working with Barb has changed my life and how I create it. Her guidance helped me follow my heart to take life altering trips to South Africa and later, Thailand. My next stop is Chile to teach with and learn from renowned spiritual & shamanic leaders.”

Allowing her path to unfold one inspired action at a time, she is now transitioning out of her position as a CEO to pursue a new business that reflects her authentic passions, gifts, and soul’s calling.

The practice of listening to and acting on intuition reveals your “authentic self,” and the truest, most effective way to create what YOU are here to be, do, have, and love.

So there it is. Pick up your inner messages and you might get answers—and results—you never expected.

That’s the difference between brilliant and average.

Want to explore how to use your intuition in your life or business?

Book a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call with me and let’s see where connecting to your highest wisdom can take you.