“The call to adventure signifies that destiny has summoned the hero.” –Joseph Campbell

Welcome to my new passion and offering—Soul Magic Adventures. My soul has been called or, as Joseph Campbell said, “summoned to explore life’s next ‘adventure’ with new eyes and new ways of being… and invite others to join me.

My mission for Soul Magic Adventures is to support and guide clients on journeys of the earth AND the spirit, and to embrace the unknown with a sense of wonder and curiosity rather than fear and anxiety.

Imagine the possibilities and opportunities when you learn to love the unexpected.

This is exactly how I like to travel (on inner and outer journeys), experiencing the best, brightest, and most fascinating sights, even in places I’ve been before.

I was recently in Manitoba, the province where I grew up, visiting my sister and her family on their farm. While running errands in a series of small towns, we took a little tour of the highlights of Manitoba’s southwest.

We saw a live moose; drank good coffee in charming rural cafes with names like “The Oak and Owl”; viewed the work of international artists in a tiny gallery in an old heritage home; and got a photo with a 30-foot turtle (statue) — the town of Boissevain’s official mascot.

And that was all in the same day.

These are the kind of authentic, delightful experiences I live for… and travel for.

It reminded me of my glory days as a travel and lifestyle writer, and some of the local gems I wrote about in The Manitoba Book of Everything.” The book is essentially an insider’s guide to what makes the province famous, unusual, and special.

For me travel, both local and global, is not only about unforgettable moments – it’s a gateway to genuine human connection and supporting local communities, while discovering the unexpected.

We see, and experience, people and places differently through rare, local, and delightful surprises.

A client of mine, who recently registered for my Magic of Namibia Tour, is so excited to embrace the unexpected of Africa’s wildlife, beauty, and culture that she’s taking her 19 year-old daughter along too. Now that’s double the magic.

Ready for an adventure into the unknown?

Join me for a personally guided tour to Namibia, designed to awaken your heart and expand your soul.

Only 3 spots remain for this unique and intimate journey.

P.S. Looking for clarity on what your soul is calling you to in your life now? Let’s have a conversation.