Many people set intentions, or goals, to work toward creating what they desire. A good habit.

However, I have a simple practice that accelerates my manifestation mojo big time.

It’s how I ended up on a life-changing journey to Egypt this year, sailing down the Nile for five days and doing private meditations within the Great Pyramids. None of this was part of my vision for 2022… until it was.

Here’s how it unfolded.

I have a regular practice of tuning into my heart and higher guidance, to make conscious choices about what I want to create or bring into my life in the next six months or year. It’s something I learned from Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance, who says making choices about the results you want to create “activates the seeds of your creation.” 

In short, when you consciously choose what you want to see manifested you put the creative cycle in motion.
How cool is that?

Earlier this year, I received a vision where I saw myself in Egypt, connecting to its energy, sacred sites, and ancient wisdom. 

So I wrote it down as one of my choices, in a way that spoke to my heart and activated my subconscious. I chose the end result of traveling to Egypt, and other mystical places, “to explore new territory, landscapes, and soul-scapes” (my words).

Making that choice truly activated my vision, and gave clear direction to my subconscious to assist me.

What happened next?

I was guided to reconnect with Gina, a fellow intuitive guide and world traveller, whom I met in Africa a few years ago. I knew Gina had taken a small group of people on a sacred journey to Egypt in 2018. I sent her a message on Facebook in January.

She responded immediately, commenting on the timing of me reaching out, as she had just been contemplating returning to Egypt in 2022 and was working on the details.

In June, I received an itinerary from her for an “Egyptian Pilgrimage” that included private meditations at the pyramids and Sphinx, an array of sacred temple visits, and a 5-day cruise down the Nile on a small, traditional Egyptian sailboat. 

Boom. The next choice was obvious. Sign up and book a ticket to Cairo.

On September 1, 2022, I landed in Cairo to begin 15-days of exploring Egypt’s mystical temples, tombs, and ancient lands. The journey also fostered some incredible connections to amazing energy and beings—both seen and unseen–including some “divine downloads” I received inside the pyramids and other sacred sites. 

All that, and a chance to swim in the Nile.

Making a clear, true choice from my heart, without my mind or fear getting in the way, brought this vision to fruition with ease, grace, and a feeling of magic. 

“When people make a fundamental choice to be true to what is highest in them, or when they make a choice to fulfill a purpose in their life, they can easily accomplish many changes that seemed impossible.” – Robert Fritz

What’s possible for you… if you stop waiting and start choosing what is drawn to your heart to create?

Stay tuned for a few soulful journeys for small groups I plan to create in 2023.

In the meantime, opt-in for a Free chapter of Creating the Impossible, to learn more about the first step to creating what you love.

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