A few years ago, I heard Buddhist nun and teacher Pema Chodren say, “People are more afraid of uncertainty than they are of physical pain.”

In this time of a global pandemic no one saw coming, to say we’re living in a time of uncertainty is a huge understatement.

And for many, the fear of uncertainty and its association with pain–emotional, physical and even financial—is amplified tenfold.

Yet, with deep respect and honouring of the human suffering and loss of loved ones occurring around the globe, that is not everyone’s experience.

For others this current space of living in the unknown is a creative and life renewing place, on a global and personal level, as we witness new levels of compassion, innovation, and even celebrities “working from home” freely giving their talents and generosity.

From the space of the unknown all things are possible…if we can find the presence to simply be with it.

“If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity,” as Eckhart Tolle says.

If you can embrace this mysterious place of the unknown with curiosity rather than fear—without any preconceived idea of what will happen—then anything can happen.

As I like to say, “The magic is in the mystery.”

And speaking of magic and high-level creativity, I’m using this time to retake a course called Create Your Destiny with my former mentor William Whitecloud. I took this program five years ago in Swaziland and the connections I made, both inner and outer, changed the trajectory of my life.

In addition to doing CYD again myself, as a graduate of the course I’m team leading a group of 20 people experiencing the teaching and training for the first time.

Just two weeks in, it’s already been a powerful practice of being in the space of “not knowing” as a gateway to tapping into our higher consciousness.

Here’s what one member of my group discovered as she surrendered to “not knowing” and being with the uncertainty:

“I am not sure what wants to be birthed next. I got the message to just be open to the unknown. A knowing of magic I have never accessed before was waiting for me. As an entrepreneur I am always planning… now I have entered the realm of ‘I don’t know’ so I can access something magnificent. Layers of perception are crumbling and roads I have never accessed before are waiting for me to find them.”

So there it is.

Tapping into your intuition and higher wisdom allows you to embrace the unknown rather than fear it.

Not everything reveals itself immediately, and from this space in between there’s an opportunity for something new to be born. Or as in the case of a global virus gone wild, a rebirth from the chaos.

And if you allow intuition to guide you, the next insight or right action will appear.

The big Ah-ha moment arrives; uncertainty shifts from fearful to acceptable…and a new path to success (maybe even a whole new world) becomes clear.

Looking for a new path to success?

Download my free webinar: 3 Myths about Intuition and How to Use It to Fuel Your Success.

In the webinar I share powerful insights, proven practices, and my own, as well as clients’, success stories of putting intuition into action, with miraculous results.