Happy winter solstice (to all in the northern hemisphere), and Merry Christmas from the beautiful west coast!

I love this time, as the solstice marks the shortest and darkest day of the year on the northern half of the planet, and then beckons the return of the light as each day gets a little longer as we move through winter to summer.

From darkness to light, it’s also a mystical, powerful season as Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus, a Messenger of light and love. 

For me, it’s a beautiful reminder that we are all Beings of Light, connected as One no matter who or where we are in the world, and whatever is happening outside of us.

And if things are little too bleak, stressful, and crazy during the generally self-inflicted holiday season madness, I’ve found the best way to light up, and lighten up, the season is through the power of the heart.

There are as many ways of connecting with the heart as there are people.

As Rumi said: “Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”

This season I’ll be awakening my heart and “kissing the ground” through a lot of time in Nature, which always lights me up. You’ll find me seaside, forest bathing, and hitting a few west coast beaches and hiking trails for my happy, happy holidays.

Whatever lights you up and makes your heart dance, Be, do, and share that. Then notice if you experience this holiday season any differently as you give, receive, see, and feel life from that space.

As we ring in another year and whole new decade (!), let’s let love lead in 2020 and create the kind of world we want to live in.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Sending you deep peace, love and JOY (go outside and play!) at this magical time of year.