As you read this, I am in stunningly beautiful Mallorca, Spain, to begin my first international retreat. I set the intention about a year ago, and now the dream is a reality.

I’m excited as I await the inspiring women joining me here in the Mediterranean ready to awaken their hearts and creative power to bring their dream to life! 

They’ve stepped up, shown up, and are ready to power up their intention, focus, and energy to move toward success in making their dream a reality.

I appreciate and honour their commitment and investment in themselves, and their future, and look forward to what we will co-create this week.

Here’s what I know for sure.

Following your heart takes courage and WILL.

Taking your vision from “dream to reality” requires action, follow through, support, and yes, investment—not just time, money, and energy, but mostly in yourself and your willingness to go for what your heart really wants not your ego or identity.

One of my teachers once said: “Successful people don’t look at the cost of investment; they look at the return on investment.”

And I believe, realizing a dream is a lifetime ROI!

Once you awaken your true knowing and power, own your fear and lean just beyond it, you learn to leap… and succeed.

What once seemed impossible is now doable. And so much more.

How would it feel to succeed in bringing your dream or big goal to life in 2020?

At the end of November, I’m launching an online program that will give you structure, soul, and strategy to tap into the power of your heart and go the distance to bring your dream to fruition.

Stay tuned for details when I return from Spain.