Vishen Lakhiani

Are you tapping into your intuition?

As Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, attests in the video above, intuition might be the most important skill in life, and business, you have.

Many successful entrepreneurs, billionaires (including Steve Jobs), and artists, have used intuition as one of their superpowers to guide them in creating truly extraordinary products, technology, art, and so much more.

Now Vishen Lakhiani, also a visionary leader, is on a mission to make intuition part of leading-edge schools, companies, and businesses around the world…within the next 10 years.

So why make intuition part of mainstream education and business?

As Vishen notes, intuition not only allows us to connect more deeply to each other, but also more deeply to our true selves (!), our highest wisdom, insights and creativity. All of which benefits our lives, others, and the planet.

“It’s intuition that improves the world, not just following a trodden path of thought,” Albert Einstein said.

Are you following a well-beaten path of old beliefs, patterns, and paradigms that no longer serve you? Or as a new client said to me, trying to navigate life through thick fog?

That’s where your intuition comes in… and that’s why it’s on the rise as one of the “soft skills” modern leaders and businesses are seeking.

More companies are looking for employees and managers who have both hard and soft skills, new market research found. “The true unicorn employees often have two strong, seemingly unrelated skills—one left brain (logic, analytics), one right brain (intuition, creativity).”

Maybe it’s time to let your “unicorn” nature shine?

Intuition and high-level creativity work together, often in synchronicity, as one fuels the other.

Intuition sparks creativity and innovative ideas without the need for rational thought or analysis. You just “know” what will work… whether it’s a painting, a new business idea, or a date.

So how can honing your intuition help you in life, work, or business?

I’ve helped students and clients tap into their intuition so they could:

  • Make important life decisions with ease and clarity
  • Take big risks to manifest big dreams (move to a new city, switch careers)
  • Follow an inner ‘hunch’ to lead them to the perfect person, contact, or resources to accomplish their end goal (go on safari, write a book, create a new business product)
  • Know with the heart what you cannot “see” with the mind to live life with greater trust and less fear.

Creativity, connection, and elevating consciousness often work best when guided intuitively.

Could making teaching and using the power of intuition be the next big idea the world needs now?

I think so.

How about you?

Want to go deeper, exploring how intuition can help you create what you are seeking? Connect with me for a Discovery Session here.

With love and magic,

P.S. I will be joining Vishen Lakhiani, and other transformational teachers, at Mindvalley University in Pula, Croatia, in July. Look for more information and teaching around intuition when I return.