This week I met with a client whose big dream is to publish her first book. She’s in her mid-70s. I love that—her enthusiasm, her intention, her commitment to get her dream done—at any age.

The manuscript is finished and I was helping her get clarity on the next step of the journey. We talked a lot about “journeys” … the journey of writing a book, the journey of adventurous travels (the subject of her next book), the journey of life… and what each one teaches us.

“The journey” seems to be my soul’s theme-of-the-week as signs from the Universe keep appearing everywhere. During the conversation with my client, I looked up and there on her wall, beautifully framed, was that quote we’ve all heard: “Life is about the journey not the destination.”

Uh huh. Contact. Soul message received. It’s all about the journey… the process… the discovery. Got it.

Then I noticed yet another message.

As I say to my students and clients, “notice what you’re noticing” because higher guidance, and wisdom, is always available to you if you’re paying attention and open to listening.

On my client’s fridge was a magnet with a hummingbird, depicted as both a colorful bird and a native aboriginal image. Okay, “What’s the big deal?” you might ask. Well, that was the fourth hummingbird I’d seen this week, both literally and figuratively. A real one visited me on my patio, and a symbolic one kept showing up in intuitive readings, meditations, and then on a refrigerator.

Stay with me, it gets better.

In the world of animal totems the spirit of the hummingbird represents the tireless joy and nectar of life, to remind us if we truly enjoy what we are doing, life becomes light, and playful, and rich.

But this wee bird, the most skilled flyer of all birds (and the only one that can fly backwards) symbolizes so much more, including the ability to make amazing, often epic, journeys.

Some hummingbirds can migrate 2500 miles or more, and scientists still don’t know how they store up enough energy to accomplish such a long journey. But they do.

So the spirit of the hummingbird also symbolizes achieving that which seems impossible. And its invitation is a call to our own “epic journey” whatever that might look like within our own life’s circumstances.

It’s no coincidence that hummingbirds are appearing to me at a time when I’ve been reflecting on what’s next in my own journey, while I help others illuminate the path on theirs.

As you consider your next call to adventure, here’s my invitation for even deep reflection, awareness, and awakening:

 Is the journey you’re on worthy of you and who you really are?

Is it a journey of discovery and fulfillment or one of monotony and daily routine?

Note: the question is not are YOU worthy (remember the amazing hummingbird), but is the dream or journey worthy of your true capacity, essence, and desire?

As I discovered with my client, a self-described “joyous adventurer,” there are many paths and many journeys, our job is to choose one that resonates with our heart and have the courage to take just the next step.

Only when you say “yes,” can you attend to the journey on this earth while reaching for the sky.

Ready to answer your call to adventure? Or embark on a new journey worthy of who you really are?

If you’d like to explore where you are on your journey and what’s possible now, I invite you to book a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call with me. Apply here… and let the journey begin.

Remember the hummingbird.

Fly free. Fly far. Create the impossible.