In this post, I have a new video and success story for you. It’s an interview with my coaching client, entrepreneur and marketing superpower Megan Stacey. Megan’s (ongoing) dream is to expand her business, which just a few short months ago seemed “big and scary” and overwhelming to her.

That’s all changed as she’s now learned to follow her heart not just her head, and found her business expanding in ways she never thought possible.

In the video we talk about:

– how to shift from fear to action

– what happens when you let go of trying to “figure it all out” and learn to connect with your highest source of wisdom

– the power of acting on your intuition and inner voice to change your results

…and much more.

It’s a powerful real-life example of moving your energy from your head to your heart to allow both to do their best work.

When you allow your heart (higher wisdom) to drive and your mind (intellect) follows directions, the PATH unfolds.

Does Megan’s experience resonate with you? Do you face similar challenges—trying to “figure it out” and getting stuck in “how will I make this happen?”

Is fear holding you back in getting the results you really want?

Give yourself permission to ask for help.

If you’re looking for a coach or mentor to guide you on the path to realizing a dream you have for your business, career, or life …

CONNECT WITH ME for a complimentary Discovery Call and let’s get started on bringing that dream to life.