Go Deep Rather Than Wide

Go Deep Rather Than Wide

Our brains can concentrate about 20 minutes on a task before losing focus, I recently read. Apparently, that’s why TED talks are 18 minutes. Whether it’s a big idea worth sharing, an important goal, or daily task, focusing on one thing at a time is a powerful way to...
One woman’s search for meaning…

One woman’s search for meaning…

As you read this (if it’s on Feb. 23) I will be attending and speaking at an event called The Best Kept Secret to Success in Life, Love, and Business. As the title suggests, the event’s a happy blend of personal, professional and business development to create success...
Are you living Groundhog Day?

Are you living Groundhog Day?

Photo © Columbia Pictures Happy Groundhog Day. For me this day isn’t about whether the groundhog sees his shadow and we have six more weeks of winter, we have no control over that, but we do have control over how we spend this and every other day. Remember the movie...

Ready for the big reveal?

Wow. What an interesting week it’s been. In my last blog post the subject line read: “It’s time to tell the truth.” The next day Oprah gave a life-changing speech at the Golden Globe Awards and said: “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most...
It’s time to tell the truth.

It’s time to tell the truth.

We’re almost a week into the New Year, and according to Lee Harris, my favourite intuitive guide (other than my own higher guides), 2018 is a year of FIRE and ACTION. While we certainly saw some physical and emotional fire energy on the planet in 2017, this year is...
Better to give than receive? Not always.

Better to give than receive? Not always.

With the holiday season in full swing, there’s a whole lot of giving, gifting (and regifting) going on… and that’s a good thing. It’s a welcome rush of peace and goodwill that the world could really use right now. I’m all for giving to others in its many magical...