Take time to renew You!

Take time to renew You!

Happy Easter! I’m going to keep this message short, so we can all get out and enjoy the beauty of spring and this Easter weekend. This is a sacred time of year for many, and an opportunity to celebrate renewed faith, love, and hope. As the earth’s light and energy...
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

Did you know… People are more afraid of uncertainty than they are of physical pain? That’s what I heard at a recent networking event when the speaker played an audio clip from Buddhist teacher Pema Chodren. I thought, what? Seriously? People would rather experience...
Why uncertainty is a good thing

Why uncertainty is a good thing

As the wild ride that was 2017 comes to an end, are you facing 2018 with uncertainty about what could possibly happen next? Great! Uncertainty can be a wonderful, mysterious and life-renewing space—on a global and personal level. Why? Because from the space of the...
Creating your big vision… what’s in it for you?

Creating your big vision… what’s in it for you?

As I embark on my fourth trip to Africa, in less than two years, I’m starting to get what author Peter Senge says, “It’s not what the vision is, it’s what the vision DOES.” Each time I follow my true nature and heart’s intelligence, I have a deeper understanding of my...
The book I came to the planet to write

The book I came to the planet to write

The countdown is on … I’m launching my new book, Creating the Impossible: What It Takes to Bring Your Vision to Life, on Monday Nov. 21. Creating the Impossible features real-life examples of extraordinary changemakers, who are manifesting their big visions all...